President of the United States

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The president is a common title for the head of state in most republics. In politics, president is a title given to leaders of republican states. This article specifically focuses on the President of the United States over time. Due to the failure of the First Civil Rights Movement, the party switch of the 1960s is only temporary, and the Democratic party reclaims its title as the mainstream right-wing party of the United States by the 1962 midterms.

List of Presidents of the United States of America

All presidents remain vaguely the same as historical, until the election of Richard Nixon as President in the 1960 election. From then, it remained historically similar until election of Barack Obama in 2004, where the tides drastically turn.

  • George W. Bush, Democratic 43rd
    • President during the surge of the Second Civil Rights Movement, is booted out with efforts from the Movement, and the emerging American left=.
  • Barack H. Obama, Farmer-Labor, 44th
    • Manifestation of the resurgence of the Farmer-Labor Party in the 1990s and 2000s. Passes social democratic reforms, but not enough to satiate the growing left-wing.
  • Gloria La Riva, Farmer-Labor, 45th
    • Oversees the First Anglo-American War, and the American victory thereof. Opposed Philippines statehood, outlawed race-based segregation and discrimination, and generally steered the country to the left.
  • Ajamu S. Baraka, Farmer-Labor, 46th
    • Successfully integrates New California and the Philippines, partially stabilizes the aggressive radicalism that La Riva fostered.
  • Bernard Sanders​, Social Democratic, 47th
    • Continues recovery from the war, dies of a heart attack at the end of his term.
  • Tulsi Gabbard​, Republican, 48th
    • Generally unremarkable, aside from a leaked conversation later in her presidency, wherein she referred to the southern states of the USA as Dumbfuckistan.
  • George T. Green, Democratic, 49th
    • Elected by a strong right-wing coalition, and the highest turnout in the Southern states in decades. President during the Year of The Blaze and overall reality check for the power of the United States. Largely considered the worst president in modern US history. Relied on the use of Austerity policies and spending cuts during the wildfire season, making the fires drastically worse and condemning thousands upon thousands to a fiery grave. His failure of a presidency directly leads to the dissolution of the Democratic Party.
  • Eugene Puryear, Farmer-Labor, 50th
    • Attempts to clean the mess left by Green, partially succeeds in dampening the effects of the Blaze. Also seeks reconciliation with the South, but is merely told to talk to the hand.
  • Andrew M. Yang​, Social Democratic, 51st
    • Tries to restore stability through the implementation of the Universal Basic Income, somewhat succeeds, but not before talks of secession begin in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Harrison J. Mason, Republican​, 52nd
    • Oversees the secession of Cascadia, and subsequent Balkanization of the United States. The last President of the United States. His second term is extended by two years, to oversee the collapse of the United States.