Haniwa Workshops

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Haniwa Workshops is a research and development sector with one employer and employee, with its main goal being to trailblaze new technology no matter the cost.


The sector was founded in 2085 in the Pacific States of Cascadia in a response to Saimei Furukawa's growing pool of wealth. Originally meant to refurbish, rebuild and modify existing and preexisting weapons, Haniwa ventured into experimental weapons systems. Officially Known as Ironcore Metals Company R&D Sector, the moniker Haniwa Workshops was coined by its founder Saimei Furukawa to describe the feelings of working on robots, exoskeletons, and other 'soulless' beings being akin to the burial sculptures used in the Kofun period of Japan.



Haniwa Workshops has consolidated and became a research branch of Ironcore Metals Company, with its singular employer and employee being Saimei Furukawa. The general consensus of what is being worked on inside is largely unknown and unquestioned, as extreme measures are taken to preserve the secrecy of what may be happening inside its facility.