Artificial Intelligence Registry

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The Artificial Intelligence Registry, also know as "AIR," is a division within JTRI that works directly with GOVPOL, in order to keep a registry of all individuals, Synthetic, or Androids, or other forms of AI.

Any and all AI are required to be registered with the AIR - whether this means registration to a Biological Human Being, or Autonomous Registration.


Any unregistered AI that are currently within city-limits, and not currently in the custody of some sort of government agency, are typically pursued by members of GOVPOL, sporting the AIR patch on their uniforms.

Punishment for deliberately going unregistered within Japan depends on the severity of the pursuit, resistance, and violence used in the process of apprehension and detainment.

Typically speaking, a Biological Human Being is able to register an unregistered synth at the time of detainment, but may face a fine. Synthetics are allowed to claim unregistered synthetics/androids, however the fines are usually heftier.

Unclaimed synthetics/androids are normally handled in the most efficient way possible, that is, putting into temporary maintenance mode, and then turning the Synthetic/Android to their OEM.