Medical Gel

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Also known as: Bio-Gel or Med-Gel


Current State

As of writing this, all variants of Medical Gel are currently incapable of healing, or promoting the healing of, organic matter. Medi-gel is simply for stopping severe bleeding in situations where cauterization would normally be a necessity.


Name Description
LM-033 Medical Gel Lunaris Medical-033 Medical Gel is a sterile, opaque, blue, and jelly-like semisolid produced by Lunaris Medical Services. This variant contains no painkilling qualities.
LM-033C Medical Gel Clear LM-033C, or Lunaris Medical-033 Clear Medical Gel, is identical to the LM-033 variant in every way except for it being clear to enable the viewing of the patient's injuries. Most commonly used in hospital triage or by Lunaris's Trauma Team department.


The use of the word "gel" is technically incorrect, and only used for branding purposes. In actuality, "Medical Gel" is more like a foam, as it is opaque and expands to fill a wound, whereas a gel would generally be transparent, and not expand by itself, instead having to be spread manually.