Shinjuku-Shibuya Provisional Government

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The Shinjuku-Shibuya Provisional Government is a semi-transitional governmental apparatus that is run by Shinjuku Clan.

It exists specifically within the SHINJUKU-SHIBUYA Sprawl. It was created to immediately counteract the portions of the Japanese Government that collapsed during the immediate invasion and early stages of Operation Bleeding Lotus.

Party Ideology

There's not much that is known deeply, about the general ideological basis of the SSPG. Most people are well aware of the fact that it is actively controlled by Shinjuku Conglomerate, which has it's inner circle composed of members of Shinjuku Clan, and thus, there is very little trust in the SSPG.

The SSPG itself has not actively spoken very deeply into their own ideologies, though within SHINJUKU-SHIBUYA, things are generally seen to function on a normalized, free-market, free-enterprise system.

It has been noted that there is very little external press activity, within the area. Occasionally, within SHINJUKU-SHIBUYA, people are fully unable to access portions of the SprawlNET, that are hosted within the physical space of SHINJUKU-SHIBUYA.

Some groups have tried to imply that the SSPG actively suppresses free press - though there is very little, if any, evidence to back up this claim.