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SoulLink is a type of enhancement designed to record memories in a specialized format for either storage or editing for circulation. There are two versions of SoulLink; SoulLink Deep and SoulLink Surface. Both have a multitude of both practical purposes and purposes for entertainment.


While both versions of SoulLink are designed specifically to translate memories into a readable format, the parts of the brain and what they record are radically different.


SoulLink Surface is a widely available open-source realtime memory recording and editing software. This is different than Deep because it can only record short-term memories and realtime events. Yet, it can actually record the exact thoughts, feelings, and sensations unlike Deep. The software for this is incredibly easy to find free and is commonly used to edit pre-existing caches of recorded memories. However the hardware required to actually record it is expensive and requires the recorder to wear a specific implant during recording through their perspective.

After recording, the footage needs to be processed into a format for viewing, edited and rendered. This is an art, not unlike modern Film Editors.


SoulLink Deep is an incredibly safe-guarded piece of software and hardware able to record long-term memories. This software is not publicly accessible at all and is only used in Medical practices, Espionage groups, and the Ultra-rich. It can either take a snapshot of an entire person’s collection of memories or be able to export one memory in detail. This process take a large amount of time but is susceptible to fading memories.